blog 4 .T.V series

Hi, today I'm going to talk about t.v series which is a topic I really enjoy.

I really enjoy watching a nice serie in my free time, it relaxes me and make me forget about my responsabilities for a while. Of course one can get obsessed with a serie and watch for example a whole seasson in a day, which is not very healthy. I've been caught with series too many times in my life and I stayed awake till 3 in the morning watching the end of a serie haha. My favorite series are Game of thrones, modern Familly and of course Lost, which is a polemical serie because trough the time it became weider and weirder. I don't have a main topic as a favorite, I enjoy science fiction like The Walking Dead, or fantasy like Game of thrones, I even like drama series like 13 reassons why, which I strongly recomend. 

In summary I love every kind of serie if it is good and catching. I have to organice my time better to be able to watch my series and also do my responsabilities as study and practice sport. I hope you enjoy this post. Have a good week.


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