blog 3. topic of my own: Sports
Today I'm going to write about the importance of Sports in education.
First of all I like to share to you that I really like to practice Sports. I've exercise my self since I was a child. Later, I began to practice Volleyball, which is a team Sport, and I never stoped since then.
In my opinion Sport is a very good way to learn about how to face life in generall, not only because it teach you to have a healthy life, and not to be sedentary, but also because it teach you how to socialize with other people, share goals with other people, team work, dicipline, perseverance and many other values that are important in life, and that I in my personal experience have been able to develope all this values by having a sport in my life.
I'd say that especially team sports can help children to face situations that eventually when they grow up will have to deal with. As in the future they will have to work in a teams and they will have to known how to interact with people that can be very different from yourself, and you may actually not like them at all, but you will have to work with them anyways. So team sports are important because team Sports make children and people work with a common goal, and therefore everybody strive to finnaly reach that goal. In other words, it teach you to put first de group and their goal and then the individual, which is something that nowadays our society do not favor. Our society today privileges first the individual, and that turn us in a selfish, self-interest and egocentric society.
Sports can also teach you how to be dicipline, because if you train every week to be better, to loss weight or to prepare to a competition, you have to be able also to be dicipline with you other responsabilities such as studies, family among others. You can also learn perseverance, if you go out there and practice everyday to get better, the results will shown and that is a very heartwarming feeling. Of course sport is not the only way to learn all this stuff. I think that other non conventional methods of education are actually more efficient to be able to learn this values, of course Sport which I mecioned before, but also music, art, tutoring and others.
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