Blog 5

Hi, today I'm going to writte about my future job that I would like to have. For me it is difficult to think about a futute job or a major I would like to have beause I'm not very sure about the area that I like the most. I study anthropology and on the one hand, I have 2 main areas that I like, gender and migration. I hope that in the future I can make studies in this matters, and of course help any community that are affected by this issues. Also I imagine not only working in specifics studies but in an institution where I could help migrant people to adapt, to learn the language and others. On the other hand, I would like to work in something related with sports, that is a topic I enjoy and  love. I currently get payment for playing in a semi-professional volleybal team, so I hope I can still do this for many other years in my life, and that sports other than football can become proffesional whit a real salary. I can also imagine myself workin ,perhaps in sports administration or even as a trainer, but as you can see, I'm not very sure about my future.
I would like to get a good salary of course, at any job in order to travel and know different places around Chile and the world, but I'd not want to travel as a part of my job, because I'd like to settle in one place. About doing a major or continuing my studies, I'm not very sure yet, but perhaps if the opportunity is there I would take it of course, but it is noy in my plans yet.

Have a good week, Mariana.


  1. Hi Mariana, I think you are studying a beautiful career. Gender and migrations sound very interesting and are two themes very popular right now. I share your feeling about not knowing about the area I like the most but, like I read before, sometimes you need to live some experiences and that could be useful to make a choice. Bye and good luck in that. I hope you dedicate in the future in what you like.

  2. Hi, the sports are a good field to work at. I hope you enjoyed studing and that you have a good salary . see you!

  3. Hi Mariana!
    I'm Nuvia
    I think that’s a very good areas, because are so topical and important, especially in our country today!

  4. Hi Mariana, your career is very interesting. I did not know that in this career you could work in those areas.


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